What is Bell’s Palsy?

Bell’s Palsy is a condition that affects the eyelids due to an unknown factor. It creates loosening of the lower eyelid and weakening of the upper lid resulting in an inability to close the eye. The result is dryness of the eye due to exposure. It can also manifest with excessive tearing but the cause is exposure and drying of the eye and the cornea.

Initially it can be treated medically since the majority of times Bell’s Palsy resolves and recovers spontaneously within two months. Artificial tears and ointment with taping the eyelids shut at night are the mainstay of the therapy. If after two months there is no progress or if the bells Palsy is seriously damaging the eye even with the medical treatment, then surgical repair is considered.

There are several surgical ways to repair the exposure problems. Tightening the lower Eyelid tendon is the most common way to help this condition. Your doctor will discuss the different approaches to help this problem. These procedures are aim to protect the eye and clarity of the cornea. If untreated, it can create serious damage to the cornea and the eye.

Am I a Candidate for Bell’s Palsy treatment?

If you experience symptoms associated with Bell’s Palsy you may be a candidate for treatment.  Symptoms include; dry eye, tearing, redness of the eyes or eyelid margin and sensitivity to light and wind.

What is the treatment for Bell’s Palsy?

Left untreated, Bell’s Palsy may lead to corneal damage, so it is important that you are examined by a qualified physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of the condition. Minimally invasive surgeries can be performed on the corners of the eyelids to tighten the lid, eliminate the symptoms, described above and restore a normal appearance to the eyelid. These surgeries are typically performed on an outpatient basis using only local Anesthesia.

In most cases, the procedure takes 30 minutes. In severe cases of ectropion, reconstructive procedures may be needed to restore proper eyelid positioning, function and appearance.

What is the recovery after treatment?

You will be using lubricating ointment and should avoid rubbing your eyes. The sutures either dissolve or are removed one to two weeks after your surgery. As you heal, you may experience mild bruising, redness, swelling, and irritation for up to two weeks. You should limit your activities as instructed by Dr Hormozi especially activities that may result in water getting into your eyes such as swimming and showering until you are fully healed.

How much does Bell Palsy surgical treatment cost?

Bell’s palsy treatment costs vary by patient, depending on the types of treatments that are recommended by Dr. Hormozi. Your insurance company may and should cover the cost of treatment. For non-covered procedures we offer a free private consultation with Dr. Hormozi.