Dr. Darab Hormozi, MD, PA offers Dysport® to the residents of Baltimore, Towson, and the surrounding areas in Maryland.


Dysport® is a minimally invasive, injectable cosmetic treatment (similar to Botox®) for the lines between your eyes, known as “frown lines” and “crow’s feet” that are caused by the movement of your facial muscles. These lines are not only caused by aging, but also stress and other lifestyle factors, making Dysport® an excellent skin rejuvenation choice for men and women of all ages.

Am I a Candidate for Dysport® Treatments?

Dr. Hormozi recommends Dysport® to his patients with moderate to severe frown lines and crow’s feet who do not need extensive surgeries to meet their cosmetic goals. You should not use Dysport® if you are allergic to any of the active ingredients or have a skin infection at the injection site.

What Is the Procedure for Dysport® Treatments?

Dysport® treatments take less than 15 minutes. Injections are made with a very fine needle between and over your eyebrows and corner of the eyelids. No anesthesia is needed and the effect last 3 to 4 months.

What Is the Recovery After a Dysport® Treatment?

Return to your normal activities immediately after your Dysport® treatment! You may have slight bleeding at the injection sites.

How Much Does Dysport® Cost in Baltimore and Towson?

Dysport® costs vary by patient, depending on the extent of treatments that are recommended by Dr. Hormozi. We offer FREE private consultationsand you may pay for your treatments by cash or check.

Other Skin Rejuvenation Procedures

Dr. Darab Hormozi is a leading plastic surgeon who specializes in oculofacial surgery, mainly blepharoplasty, eyelid malpositions, eyelid cancer treatmentfacelift and stem cell facial rejuvenation for the residents of Baltimore, Towson, and the surrounding communities in Maryland. Dr. Hormozi performs both cosmetic and medical procedures, with a clinical focus on oculoplastic surgery and facial rejuvenation.